Joint excellence enables diverse learning contents and contexts through intellectual exchange within the Higher Education and Associated Partners’ research and teaching strategies.
From the MediaAC Advisory Board, Associated Partners, Guest Scholars, to Consortium Team and Faculty, highly engaged institutions and individuals adds value to the outcomes of the joint master degree
The entire Consortium participates in the breadth of significant research in the interdisciplinary field of Media Arts Cultures and give students the opportunity for praxis as emerging professionals.
Europe is the perfect professional incubator for cultural and creative quality. Experience living and learning in different cultures and societies for future professional excellence in an international context.
Collaborating towards a common goal, MediaAC Consortium is built upon long-standing collegial ties within academia and the cultural sector. University for Continuing Education Krems, Aalborg University, University of Lodz, City University Hong Kong (2014-2019), Lasalle College of the Arts (2018-present), numerous Associated Partners and the MediaAC Network at large.
Media Arts Cultures Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree – Curriculum 2.0 (project during 2018-2025 / 599291-EPP-1-2018-1-AT-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB) MediaAC answers the needs of the evolving fields related to the future and heritage of Media Arts Cultures through internationally advanced teaching in the Media Arts with an innovative combination of pedagogical foci, trans-disciplinary approaches, and critical thinking…